Use any remote keybord and control your teleprompter with it:
🔼 Up arrow: Scroll up.
🔽 Down arrow: Scroll down.
◀️ Left arrow: Decrease speed.
▶️ Right arrow: Increase speed.
➖ Space: Play/Pause.
📼 'R' key: Start/Stop recording.
📸 'P' key: Take photo.
📹 'V' key: Open/Close video.
📖 'B' key: Previous script.
📖 'N' key: Next script.
Edit and send your files easily from your Mac to your iOS app. Choose your file or create a new one and transfer it to your iPhone or iPad. How to use the File Manager:
1 - Your Mac and your iPhone/iPad must be on the same wifi network.
2 - Open The Autocue App on your iPhone or iPad and press the "New Script" button.
3 - Your device will appear in the "Devices list". Click on it.
4 - Write your script or drag your file to the window.
5 - Press the "Send" button to see the script in your device.
Control your teleprompter / autocue from another iOS Device.
Place the iPhone or iPad with the teleprompter app wherever you want.
Get comfortable and control your teleprompter from another iOS device: Play, pause, scroll up, scroll down, change the indicator, show or hide your notes, change to mirror mode, show or hide the video view, start or stop recording, control the scroll speed.
Control your teleprompter from your wrist.
Play, Pause, Forward, Rewind...